Attending an Event?
As part of an effort to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our guests and tenants, the Tucson Convention Center management has added numerous safety and protective measures to our building policies. With strict enforcement of these new additions along with our existing policies, the Tucson Convention Center can provide a safe and enjoyable environment for our guests. As such, no exceptions to the following policies will be made.
Building Policies
- To purchase alcoholic beverages, a patron must present a valid US driver’s license, Passport, US liquor ID, or Military ID, which indicates the patron to be at least 21 years of age. (Duplicate licenses, expired licenses, damaged licenses and/or identifications will not be accepted.)
- Any guest in the possession of alcoholic beverages on premises may be requested to produce identification, which must satisfy the foregoing requirements.
- No refunds will be offered for confiscated beverages.
- Any guest who presents false identification or who passes alcohol to a minor may be subject to ejection.
- We will not serve more than two alcoholic beverages to a patron at one time, and we reserve the right to limit service to one drink per guest.
- Our alcohol service will end at least one hour prior to the scheduled end of the event. We reserve the right to discontinue the sale of alcohol at any time.
- We will not serve any guest whom we believe to be intoxicated.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be taken into or removed from these premises. Any guest in the possession of alcoholic beverages not obtained on premises will be subject to ejection.
- TCC Food and Beverage Department retains the right to refuse any ID, and to refuse/cease service to any guest at any time.
- Our policies are in place for your protection, as well as ours.
Certified service animals for guests with disabilities are welcome at the Tucson Convention Center and must remain on leash or in a harness. All other animals are prohibited.
Tucson Arena, Linda Ronstadt Music Hall and Leo Rich Theater has enhanced venue environmental, health and safety protocols to include the type of bag guests are allowed to bring into these facilities. In additional to health and safety issues, our new protocol will help expediate entry to games and events. Clear Bags no larger than 14″ x 16″ or a clutch no larger than 8″ x 5″. (There could be exceptions to this rule and those exceptions will be noted on the event page.) Large bags, briefcases, backpacks, luggage and convertible backpack purses are strictly prohibited. Guests entering any facility in the Tucson Convention Center are subject to search at the discretion of management. Tucson Convention Center does not provide storage for any confiscated baggage.
Tucson Arena branded clear bags are also available for purchase at the TCC Box Arena Office for $10.
All camera policies are event-specific. No audio or video recording, and no professional cameras, are allowed during most performances in the Tucson Arena and Tucson Music Hall. The use of any of these items will result in disciplinary action and possible ejection.
For additional questions and to confirm camera policy during a specific event, please contact the Tucson Convention Center, 520.791.4101.
The only person(s) allowed to bring firearms into the Tucson Convention Center are credentialed local, state, and federal law enforcement officers with proper identification.
Guests of the Tucson Convention Center are not permitted to bring food or beverages into the premises.
Wrapped gifts are not allowed inside the facilities. There have been some exceptions, please contact the Tucson Convention Center, 520.791.4101.
Guest Services is located on the concourse level behind the Ticket Office off Church Ave.
For the safety and enjoyment of all guests, facial masks are recommended but not required in areas you cannot safely social distance. Costume masks that conceal the entire face or are made with materials that could cause harm to another guest are not allowed at any event.
- Alcoholic beverages
- Aerosol cans or noise-making devices
- Bags larger than 13 5/8” x 15 ¼”
- Bottles/Cans of any kind
- Professional Cameras
- Video cameras or recording devices
- Chairs
- Coolers (Hard Sided)/Thermos
- Backpacks
- Drugs
- Fireworks
- Outside Food and Drink (medical exceptions)
- Inflatable items
- Laser pointing devices
- Poles/Selfie Sticks
- Tripods
- Weapons
- Animals (unless a service animal)
Guests will not be allowed to exit and re-enter the Tucson Convention Center during an event.
Security checks are event specific. Walk through metal detectors, hand held wand detectors, bag checks and pat downs (if requested by the event) may take place at the entrances of the facility prior to most shows. Similar to procedures used at the airport, all guests will walk through a security screening area prior to gaining access to most shows at the Tucson Convention Center. The Tucson Convention Center recommends that patrons should plan to arrive earlier than normal to allow for this enhanced security process. Tucson Convention Center reserves the right to refuse items which may cause a danger or disruption to an event or other guest. Any guest who declines to be searched or is in possession of a prohibited item may be denied entry or ejected from the facility.
Unless otherwise specified by an event or the facility management, guests are welcome to bring small signs, posters and flags for events. Banners are not allowed. The following guidelines do apply:
- Must be related to the event
- May not be attached to a stick or a pole
- May not obstruct any sponsor or building signage
- May not be attached, hung or taped or draped over any part of the building
- May not be commercial in nature
- May not contain or display offensive or obscene language or pictures as determined by facility management
- May not be constructed or displayed in a manner that may obstruct the view of other guests, or interrupt the experience of other guests, or create a safety hazard
- Must be constructed of paper, fabric or poster board materials
- May not be constructed or contain plastic, wood, metal, glass or any material that can be used as a weapon.
The Tucson Convention Center is a smoke-free facility. Smoking is prohibited and violations will result in ejection from the Tucson Convention Center without a refund. Smoking is allowed outside of the Tucson Convention Center in designated areas. Guests attending a Tucson Arena event will have availability to smoke in a designated area outside of Section 2018 doors. All guests must have their tickets in order to exit and reenter the building.
Strollers are not allowed in the Tucson Arena, Linda Ronstadt Music Hall or Leo Rich Theater. Strollers must be checked in at either Guest Services or in the theater lobbies.

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